The central theme for the 21stINCUNA Conference revolves around quite a suggestive title: “Geographies, Geometries and Employment”. Various public institutions have cooperated with INCUNA in the organization of this event: the Spanish Ministry of Culture, the Principality of Asturias, Gijón Town Council, universities, private companies and other institutions.
Renowned lecturers and arts administrators have already confirmed their attendance and will bring in their various experiences on a national and international scale to the panel discussions and Q&As: Miles Oglethorpe, TICCIH President and Head of Industrial Heritage at Historic Environment Scotland; Knut Markhus, director of the Norwegian Museum of Hydro Power and Industry; Florence Hachez-Leroy, CILAC President – Maîtresse de conférences HDR Université d´Artois, France; Arch. Manuela Mattone and Elena Vigliocco Politécnico Torino and Spanish specialists such as Miguel A. Alvarez Areces President INCUNA and the TICCIH Spain, Diego Peris, an architect and member of I.E.M Castilla La Mancha; Ana B. Berrocal, an engineer and urban and territory development specialist teacher at the Civil Engineering School of UPM, Madrid; or Enrique J. Masiá Buades, the representative of Industrial Alcoy Association, among others.
The 21stInternational Conference on Industrial Heritage will be held in Gijón (Asturias, Spain) on 25th September at Escuela de Comercio. Espacio de Encuentro Cultural. The programme includes various other activities, such as photographic exhibitions and the screening of films and documentaries on industrial heritage and cultural landscapes. While drawing on last year’s Incunafilmfest ICC, the aim is to highlight the way images as well as technological and audiovisual tools contribute to raise awareness and disseminate knowledge on industrial heritage.
Conference Venue
Escuela de Comercio. Espacio de Encuentro Cultural
C/Tomás y Valiente, 1.
This INCUNA event has been ongoing for over 20 years and has become a referent and meeting point where to evaluate and probe the state of all matters related to the study, preservation and valorisation of industrial heritage, while keeping a keen eye on methodological advances, social appropriation of the heritage and good practices in towns and territories.
The 21stInternational Conference on Industrial Heritage includes four theme sections to comprise all selected lectures
- Section 1.- Geographies, geometries and history on architectural and technological heritage. Aspects from an industrial heritage point of view.
- Section 2.- Interventions on industrial heritage. Palimpsest and territories in transformation.
- Section 3.- New uses and employment of industrial heritage. Experiences on a second life.
- Section 4.- Tourism and memory sites. Heritage for the future.
Just like in previous years, the 21stINCUNA Conference aims to innovate and open up the debate on new paradigms and case studies, while offering the opportunity to get to know experiences, discuss and contrast proposals from the point of view of different disciplines and visions: history, geography, architecture, art, technology, design, economy, tourism, cultural administration, etc.
It is an opportunity to give local affairs a new dimension from a global knowledge perspective; hence the interest in learning about what is being done on industrialisation heritage both in our closest reality as well as in other parts of the world.
The programme will be rounded up by study cases, investigations and proposals from about 20 different countries, so this call for papers intends to invite and encourage you to enter your work, which will surely enable us to share new and valuable experiences on the aforementioned industrial heritage subjects from a multidisciplinary point of view.
Programme of the 21stInternational Conference on Industrial Heritage (provisional program at 26/08/09, currently developing).
Recommended deadline for submission of abstracts and titles for the lectures is 31 July.
Proposals must be sent to along with an abstract no longer than 300 words, in the same language of the communication (it can be both in Spanish and the language of the presentation itself: Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, Italian) along with five key words, separated by commas.
An English translation of the abstract and the five keywords must be included.
A photo or photos of the author and a brief (100 words) CV must be included.
The Scientific Committee will contact those interested as soon as possible so that their inscription can be duly processed and work sessions and activities correctly allocated.
The presentation of the lecture in the work session can be carried out in English if wished by the participant, as simultaneous translation English-Spanish will be provided.
Guidelines for submission papers and posters (pdf)
Registration Form XXI International Conference on Industrial Heritage INCUNA 2019 (pdf with refillable form, download, fulfill, save the file and send to
We kindly urge you to follow the rules for inscription and submission of abstracts, communications, power point files and final texts to be included in the Minute Book of the conference (Volume 22).
Volume 21 of “Los ojos de la Memoria”, which collects the excellent works of last year’s Conference, will be presented during the event and visit
Apart from several trips to Asturian mining heritage sites, the programme includes a tour of various representative industrial sites in Asturias and Galicia on Saturday, 28thSeptember. We will visit some examples of Modern Movement architecture, water and electricity heritage and the power stations of Doiras, Silvón and Arbón in Navia, which were designed by architect Ignacio Álvares Castelao and the engineer Elorza. We will then go over to neighbouring Galicia to visit the unique Sargadelos Ceramic Factory andobviously embark on a mandatory evaluation of the gastronomical heritage of the area.
More information on the International Conference on Industrial Heritage and the 16thPhotographic Exhibition on Industrial Heritage on social media:
INCUNA YouTube Channel It includes both speeches and bespoke interviews.
Our reference contact is still, run by Carmen Alonso and the technical secretariat for the Conference.
Do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further information on travel and accommodation arrangements.
Hoping to enjoy your company and attendance on the last week of September in Gijón and Asturias,