17th International Photography Contest on Industrial Heritage- INCUNA 2020


INCUNA hosts and organises the 17th International Photography Competition on Industrial Heritage with an aim to publicise the remarkably wide field of industrial heritage and archaeology through a universal artistic language such as photography.

  1. The subject of this year’s edition is Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, particularly the main aspects of the programme for the 22nd International Conference on Industrial Heritage mentioned on the heading and incuna.es. The objective is to disseminate, value and exhibit the images of industrial heritage in connection with industrial legacy and the cultures and memory of work, as well as architectural and technological heritage from a multidisciplinary point of view in the context of landscape. It will be particularly valued to treat the subject in a context or environment which incites and provokes the valuation of people, elements, processes or technical tools, territorial spaces where people live and work and the visible projection we get from them within the freedom and creativity of the artist photographer.
  2. Participation is open to all, regardless of age and nationality. Both professional and amateur photographers are welcome to enter.
  3. Submission deadline: Deadline to submit photographic works is 13.00 (mainland Spain), 31st August 2020.
  4. They are to be submitted in digital format through the form in www.mundoarti.com, with the following specifications: JPG format (3-5Mb size), RGB mode, 300 ppi, 20 cm on the longest side. A 5-line long text will be entered under “description” explaining the work. Candidates must fill in all personal details and attach a copy of their national identity card or passport.
  5. Submission fee is 1.50 € per photo.
  6. All works submitted will then be subject to selection by a jury appointed by the organisation and made up of photography professionals, industrial heritage experts and personalities from the cultural world.
  7. Selected works: Selected artists will be duly notified and must then submit the work on photographic paper, unframed and without passe-partout, minimum size of 20×25 cm and a maximum of 30×40 cm. Deadline will be 7 days after email notification. INCUNA will organise a travelling exhibition on the venues run by the 1st prize sponsor, as well as various other cultural, civil and corporate institutions in Spain and other countries. The works in the exhibition will be included in a catalogue published by the organisation.
  8. Selected photographers may delegate on the organisation the printing of photographs by one of their partners. Printing costs are to be covered by the artist and shall not exceed 10€ per selected photograph.
  9. The first prize will not be left unawarded and the winner will receive a 600€ purchase voucher for El Corte Inglés. The second prize will be 300€ and both will be subject to withholding tax unless exempted by law.
  10. The jury’s decision will be unappealable and announced on the media from the second week in September. The presentation of awards will take place before 30th September 2020.
  11. Award-winning photos will be stored in the Archive and Documentation Centre of INCUNA Industrial Heritage and Archaeology Association, which reserves the right to use them for non-profit industrial heritage promotion, with explicit acknowledgement of the author.
  12. The rest of the works will be left in deposit for a year, during which they may be exhibited or reproduced for publicity reasons if the organisation finds it convenient. Once said period has passed, the author may ask them to be returned. Otherwise, they will be stored in the Archive and Documentation Centre of the association. 
  13. The jury reserves the right to interpret these rules and regulations, and participation in the contest implies their total acceptance.


For further information on the contest, please email incuna@telecable.es

For technical questions about the inscription platform please email contacto@mundoarti.com





Fábrica Cristasa / Gijón Impulsa

Avda. Argentina, 132

33213- Gijón ( Asturias)


Telf./Fax 985 319 385



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